Who We Are

The California Collaborative for Inclusive Practices (CCIP) is a part of the Statewide System of Support (SSOS) and Special Education Resource Leads. CCIP is committed to improving outcomes for students with disabilities by collaboratively building their capacity, and by sharing promising practices and resources to support local educational agencies (LEAs) and county offices of education (COEs) statewide.

Dr. Charles Hinman
Interim County Superintendent of Schools​ 

Debbie Gorgulho, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Progress

Yee Wan, Ed.D.
Director, State and Regional Projects

Chiara Perry
Assistant Director, California Collaborative for Inclusive Practices (CCIP)

Sandya Lopez
Director III, Inclusion Collaborative

Raquel Duran-Rivera
Administrative Data Technician, State and Regional Projects

What is the Special Education System of Support (SSOS)?

The California Statewide System of Support is a vital part of the state's education framework, promoting equity and local empowerment. It connects educators across the state of California with different levels of supports, free services, and resources. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) receive resources and expertise to address challenges and improve teaching. By bridging gaps and fostering collaboration, it aims to ensure every child receives a quality education, regardless of background, fostering a brighter future for all. Funded by the California Department of Education (CDE) and supported by the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE)

All supports and services are FREE!

What is the California Special Education Resource Leads (SERLs)?

In partnership with the CDE, the CCEE, CCIP facilitates the work of the Special Education Resource Leads (SERLs) which work collaboratively within the Statewide System of Supports (SSOS) to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.

The SERLs work as capacity builders, connectors, & facilitators to ensure an integrated educational system in California meets the needs of all learners, including students with disabilities.

The SSOS is comprised of state-funded initiatives to provide coordinated, needs-based, & differentiated resources & supports to LEAs. These initiatives must work collaboratively together to ensure LEAs receive the resources & support they need throughout the state.